Saturday, November 27, 2010


I heard warm words worming into my ear
Words I long feared I might never hear
Pronouncing the divorce and marriage of poverty
Alleviation goes and eradication gets gravity
For once I cheered and not sneered
Alleviation is frivolity, eradication revered
For once my mind mined real carats of gold
For words like written works are best when in bold
Why lessen poverty when it's  invented evil
For good war is waged on the puganacious devil

I distrust my raved nerves wrecked by past noughts
Will it be that actions shall merrily marry thoughts
That the cult of embracing poverty shall face peril
That eradication shall put poverty to base zero level.
Words that rear misty fortunes curse the victims
So I pray and hope that the poor shall reap pickings
That politics shall not be prolific downpours of despair
For it's rare but feasible for politics to do, undo and repair
Should such fortune visit our weary wants of true equity
It would be a first for fast darkening days of real equality

I urge the makers of the dreams and architects of such hope
To build titanics of bricks that build and not melt into soap
I caution the artists that drew these noble maps of pious promise!
Failure to deliver would be cesspits of precious dreams in demise
I pray that in these salubrious pledges and sermons of quality life
That the ships of war against poverty dont carry arsenals of strife
For if in promises of killing poverty,  porous expectations are built
Rains shall fall not to quench but to flood life itself closest to final halt!
Still, my words of hope are prayers for the sayers and the doers for all.
That hold firmly the hilt of chivalrous swords and lead us not to fall.

By Andrew O. Sesinyi
November 27, 2010

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