Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today the day's darkness hour was unlit;
the night's life support machine was unplugged;
the evening undressed its twinkling night gown of bulbs;
the world's landmarks swam dressed in a dark pool of unison;
to remember or grieve the mutilation of mother earth;
to remind of the destructive forces and follies of knowledge;
the crimes of sciences that ought to have saved but destroyed...

My loneliness in the crowd was my mourning in solitude.
I solicited happy tears but found none except gnawing fear pangs;
that perhaps the hour was lost in the manner of human indulgence;
that where we ought to weep we sought to reap celebratory joys;
where we ought to repent we prided ourselves in fashions of delusion;
that perhaps none there present in all the lights-off feasts of passion;
derived legitimate flows of currents of the inevitable...
We lost track of the real purpose and listened to tunes of preference;
that if the real moment was even momentarily lost, as I so feared...
the last rites of mother earth may be so nigh...

Did we visualize the sureal paradox of the lights-off hour and its darkness...?
Did we sensitize our innermost to the symbolizm of our brief darkness...?
Did we relate the plug-off to the heart-beats that have similar switches...?
the eyes that may lose bulbs, ears that may lose sound, demise that may be near..?
Did we relate the hour to the beat of life and prospects of an irrevocable end..?
Did we perceive the general confession to sins of self-destructive pretensions..?
Did anyone leave the ground of switch-off with creative, preventive intentions..?
Did we know that we cared no less than when we first counted down seconds...
seconds to a switch off that elsewhere in time is permanently destined..?
Did we know that we know that our span is measured in scales of illusion...?

Today we remembered what we did;
but did we do what we ought to...?
Did we really switch lights back on..?
Or we simply returned to hours of more harm..?
Did we take off fashionable cloaks of elitist concerns...
Or did we just bask in the illusive pursuit of spurious conscience...?
Did we switch the lights back on, really...
Did we light ourselves and be enlightened...?
Did the Earth Hour 2009 sixty minutes serve true truths..?
Or we simply re-tarred streets of self deception...
whilst the earth bleeds profusely...
from our own and ever again...

Author: Andrew Sesinyi

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