Monday, March 23, 2009


Dance with your brain

When you hear the drum,
If ever you hear the drum,
ring my number, I beseech;
ring my post if you please...
For when the drum beats
and gives me the treats,
I've got to dance to the beat..
to savour the sequence,
figure structure in ancient stances...
for dance is a feat I excell with my feet...
Wake me up then, I implore,
for my drum feet to employ and explore,
the multitudes of tunes in a single drum beat...
When the drum beats, this fame I must seek,
for with my true dancing feet I'm not meek.
When next the bigots ask you, yet again, and again,
what Africa begs to give more and more at best,
tell them, it's the sunshine of the drum,
the confluence of all life beats,
the innocence of the real drum beat,
the nakedness of truth matching its heat,
the congregation of the feet stomp and life sounds...
the live reality of simplicity...
for in the drum, joy is implicit...
Just call my number
and I shall remember...
when next you hear the drum beat...

Author: Andrew Sesinyi

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