Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The African politician is a con artist par excellence

When winds of change blow dictators feign reticence

All autocrats suddenly swear oath to sound democracy

Speeches of freedom and goodwill displace autocracy.

Yet just yesterday the African demagogue spewed evil

Only yesterday he ranted and chanted songs of the devil

Cursing dissident voices and muzzling liberties and freedom

He was at variance with the Bill of Rights and its wisdom.

The African dictator is a solidly moulded mimic of minds

When world standards dictate he pretends to meet demands

Knowing well that just yesterday he laid an infrastructure of repression

He uttered rules and regulations that spelled his autocratic intention.

Yet this wolf in sheep skin with his full bag of laws against humane laws

Cues in the parrot cry of those that desire a democracy without flaws

This is the man whose wanna-be-a-god ambitions were thwarted

The man whose creative path to authoritarian rule was aborted.

The African despot now swaps his sword for a pretentious flag of truce

His packs of lies overflow the ship of belief as it floats on a deceitful cruise

His gullible flock like children tricked with candy sweeten his deceipt

As they cheer him on and clap empty hands that never experienced receipt.

Oh you fickle, cheap and degradable African addicts of political decoys!

Oh you insatiable canivores of untruths and ever willing political toys!

When will dawn come to African nations to know when to cry foul?

When will Africa learn to unveil carriers of pain before nations howl?

Nations have risen against dictatorships but Africa remains nonchalant

Self righteous smirks depict Africans to whom repression is their penchant

Yesterday they planned to voice themselves against perceived lunatics

Today the lunatics make them gyrate to manipulative political gymnastics.

The African needs memory transplant from his wildlife pride, the elephant

Whereas the pachyderm boasts of memory, that of the African is of an infant

A leader who yesterday revised democracy minimizing its core principles

Today he only has to open volume to full blast for them to stay docile disciples.

By Andrew Onalenna Sesinyi

March 5th, 2011.

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