Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Over a decade since burning tires wreaked havoc on human life
As South Africa chanted and fought in a ghastly but civil strife
Years ago the world sealed its lips and blocked ears with covered eyes
While the down trodden threw off the yoke of oppression and its ties
It was justified then, not now
It is unjustified when if not now

As the poem rolls and its author taps each word of truth South Africa hurts
Not because the yoke is back as a jarring joke but because of delayed outbursts
Fellow Africans who traversed the charred continent of war came seeking the spoils
They arrived, they rejoiced, they saw, they stayed and more came as Africa boils
Survivors of the yoke
Felt the agony of the poke

Prodded by the exodus and influx to recall their own decades of political asylum
Those of the yester years yoke felt it as an intrusion of overstaying friends of whilom
As Africa gave birth to more life and death, the exodus and the influx married
The terrains of South Africa filled to bursting stretches and intolerance scurried
Threat and breath colluded
The peace of the air was polluted

Out came the burning tires in threats and deeds to wreak havoc on harmless souls
The burning coals of revolt by peasants against feudal lords found hands of ghouls
South Africa hosted cries and wails, the hurrying and scurrying of humans fleeing terror
Violence reminiscent of the stolen struggle of suffering masses transformed good to horror
Those that harmed the most knew not why
Those that hurt the most knew not why

To blame the lame is to tame the brave when the bravery granary is running to depletion
Yet to fear to name the lame in blame is to revive the horrors that ought to be in deletion
The failure of leadership and the flaws of the human spirit caused simpletons to maim
The straying flock in disarray lost the stewardship of the slovenly shepherds without aim
The innocent suffered, the faultless died
The indolent led too late, the harmless died!

By Andrew Sesinyi
April 21, 2015